
  • The Nasiriyah Corniche Development Project: Enhancing Urban Life in Dhi Qar Governorate

    The Nasiriyah Corniche Development Project in Dhi Qar Governorate is a significant initiative aimed at improving the city’s infrastructure and urban environment. With a 77% completion rate in its second phase, the project has made considerable progress in transforming the Corniche into a vibrant, functional space. Focusing on infrastructure upgrades,…

  • UN and Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources Launch “Water is Life” Campaign

    Baghdad, Iraq: July 22, 2024 – In a significant effort to tackle Iraq’s severe water crisis, the United Nations, in partnership with the Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources, has launched the “Water is Life – Every Drop Counts” campaign. This year-long initiative is designed to raise awareness about the critical…

  • Iraq: Solar Power for Clean Future by 2030

    Solar power in Iraq has significant potential due to the country’s abundant sunlight, with an average of about 5.4 kWh/m²/day of solar radiation. This makes Iraq an ideal candidate for solar energy projects, which can help diversify its energy sources and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The Iraqi government has…

  • Al-Zawraa Park Expands its Green Spaces

    The Baghdad Municipality initiates many environmental projects in order to improve the risks of climate change. The projects involve creating 108 new parks and planting 375,000 trees to expand green areas in Baghdad. Iraq has faced extreme heat and water shortage in the past few years, which is drastically affecting…

  • Science and Transport: How Iraq is Tackling Environmental Issues

    The Planning and Follow-up Department of the Ministry of Transport, represented by the Research and Studies Department, held a joint meeting with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Al-Mustansiriyah University, College of Atmospheric Sciences today, Monday, to coordinate cooperation on environmental issues. The meeting focused on mechanisms of…

  • Ministry of Environment Enforce Legal Actions on Unsustainable Factories

    The Ministry of Environment in Iraq has issued a warning to cement production factories, emphasising the need to strictly follow the environmental rules and regulations. The Ministry has made it clear that failure to comply with these guidelines will result in severe consequences, including the temporary closure of the factories…

  • Extension of Green Spaces in Baghdad

    The Baghdad Municipality expands its green spaces project and plant more trees along the city’s streets, a move aimed at improving air quality and reducing pollution. Given the extreme heat experienced in Iraq, this initiative promises to bring cooler air and create spaces where residents can relax and find an…

  • Iraq Ranks Second Among MENA Nations in Hydroelectric Power Capacity

    According to recent data from the Global Energy Monitor, Iraq has emerged as the second-ranked Arab country in terms of operational hydroelectric power capacity. The combined hydroelectric power capacity of seven Arab countries—Egypt, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Morocco, Lebanon, and Algeria—exceeds 10.2 gigawatts. Egypt leads the region with the highest hydroelectric…

  • Campaign to Clean Waste Dumped in the Tigris River

    The Tigris River, one of the most important rivers in the world, faces great issues of pollution due to waste. As Iraqi cities are developing and growing its population, there is a dangerous amount of waste dumped in the Tigris River. The issue lies in the lack of awareness of…

  • The Baghdad Municipality Initiates a Tree Planting Campaign

    The Baghdad Municipality has launched an environmental campaign to plant numerous trees around Iraq’s capital, aiming to expand green spaces. This project prevents pollution and provides urban areas for Baghdad’s residents. Increasing green spaces creates a more pleasant environment for Iraqis, offering cleaner air and benefiting their physical and mental…

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