San Donato Group and GKSD, Sign Agreement in Iraq for Basra hospital

Following the visit of the San Donato Group and GKSD to Iraq, the Iraqi Minister of Health, Saleh Mahdi Al-Hasnawi, attended meetings with GSD leadership at Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio Hospital and San Raffaele Hospital. During these meetings, the Minister announced the signing of a public-private partnership agreement for managing the new Sayyab Teaching Hospital in Basra.

This agreement follows a similar one for the Najaf hospital, signed three months prior, and is part of Iraq’s strategy to involve international private players in public health, bringing innovation and advanced healthcare models. The agreement was signed in Baghdad last week with the presence of Minister Al-Hasnawi, Kamel Ghribi (Vice President of the San Donato Group), Francesco Galli (President of the GSD Strategy & Operations Committee), and Abbas Khalaf Al-Tamimi (Director General of Health for the Basra Region).

The Basra Hospital, a University Teaching Centre, will feature 492 beds, 18 operating theatres, an intensive care unit, an emergency room, and various medical and surgical specialties. Leveraging its international hospital network, the San Donato Group will manage the hospital for two years, with an option to extend for another year, providing 20 head departments, visiting doctors, and training programs for local medical staff.

With this second contract, the San Donato Group strengthens its presence in Iraq, managing nearly 1,000 beds and generating over $160 million in revenue, covering two of Iraq’s key regions. “This contract reaffirms our commitment to investing in quality and innovation in Iraq’s health system, making our medical expertise available to the entire population. It also underscores our dedication to strengthening ties between Italy and Iraq,” commented Kamel Ghribi, President of GKSD and Vice President of the San Donato Group.

Minister Al-Hasnawi highlighted the positive impact of these agreements on Iraq-Italy relations.

Source: Italpress

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