IBC Economic Forum: Bridging Iraq and Jordan Businesses

The upcoming Economic Forum, scheduled for May 5th and 6th, is a collaborative effort between the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan, the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, and the Amman Chamber of Industry.

This highly anticipated event in Amman promises to be a pivotal moment highlighting the burgeoning economic ties between Iraq and Jordan. The forum, proudly sponsored by Bank of Baghdad, Jordan Kuwait Bank, and Pioneer Co., aims to serve as a platform for discussions on investment opportunities, trade partnerships, and economic collaborations between the two nations.

Distinguished speakers from both Iraq and Jordan will share insights on key sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and technology, highlighting the potential for mutually beneficial ventures.

Moreover, the forum will provide a valuable opportunity for networking among business leaders, government officials, and entrepreneurs, encouraging new cross-sector partnerships.

As Iraq continues its economic revitalisation efforts and Jordan seeks to enhance its regional partnerships, this forum emphasises the importance of such cross-border dialogues in driving economic growth and prosperity for both nations.

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