Baghdad’s International Railway Station

Baghdad International Station, located in Karkh, the Western side of the capital, is the most important train station in Iraq. It was opened in 1952 and followed English architectural style, making it identical to a train station in India and in London. The most eye-catching details inside the station are the two towers, each with a clock, one with modern numbers and the other with Indo-Arabic numbers.

The station is owned by the General Company for Iraqi Railways and is referred to as an international train station, as it was originally intended to be used as a connecting point between the East and the West.

Over the years, the station has played a pivotal role in connecting Baghdad with various destinations in Iraq and beyond. From daily commuters to curious tourists, the station has welcomed a diverse array of passengers. The Baghdad Railway Station remains a symbol of resilience and continuity, embodying the spirit of a nation that has withstood challenges and embraced progress. Its iconic presence serves as a reminder of the enduring power of transportation and the human connections it facilitates.

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