Al Karada’s Armenian Catholic Church in Baghdad

Baghdad – (iina) Our Lady of Narek, an Armenian Catholic church, held a mass for Christmas. However, according to the priests, celebrations are cancelled due to the recent tragic events of the Mosul wedding and Gaza.

The Armenian church, which also goes by the name of Our Lady of the Rosary, is located in al Karada region of Baghdad. The church was completely built in 1998 by an Armenian engineer which can be evident through its Armenian style architecture.

In the early 1900s, hundreds of Armenian Catholics were living in Iraq. As the numbers of their community fluctuated during the years, they still built two Armenian Catholic churches in Baghdad, including Our Lady of the Rosary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus church.

The existence and preservation of these churches in Baghdad are very sacred. It also represents the multi cultures and religions living side by side peacefully.

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